Alternative To Out Of State Placement (Keeping Families Together)

Alternatives to Out-of-State Placement

Children in this program are able to receive wrap-around services in an unrestricted environment and reside with their family, legal guardian or in a foster home. Services are individually designed taking into consideration the unique strengths, values and needs of each child and family.

Children receiving services through the ATOP program generally have low to moderate behavioral health or mental health issues.

Program services are provided in the community, the family home or the public school. All services provided are designed taking into consideration the cultural context of each family.

Services are available to children 5 to 18 and with some exception up to age 22.
For more information or questions, please contact
Admissions Coordinator
Call: 907-474-0890
Confidential fax (907) 374-1640 or
Make a Difference
Changing Lives With Unconditional Care